buying a home

Buying a home: My $110,000 Tip on how to avoid costly real estate litigation

The most common reason for litigation between buyer & seller is over incomplete or inaccurate disclosure from the seller.

My focus when working with buyers is to ensure the disclosure package is thorough, complete & accurate.  The last thing I want for clients is for there to be a costly surprise after escrow closes.

I personally have been through mediation & arbitration with the sellers of our current home (before I was a Realtor) because they did not disclose certain defects about our property.  It took several years to settle our case, $30,000 to handle the property defects & $80,000 was spent on legal bills.  This was a very stressful experience & something I never want a client to go through.

When we meet we will talk further about the steps I take to protect clients as they complete a home purchase.

In the meantime, check out the tips in this video on the disclosure package review.

Click here for more buyer tips 

This is what happened when we bought our Burlingame home which inspired me to get my real estate license:  How to avoid buying a money pit

About Cheryl Bower

Cheryl has been a Lyon Hoag (Burlingame, CA) resident since 2004. She was raised in the Richmond District (San Francisco, CA). Licensed as a Realtor since 2005, she represents buyers & sellers in the San Francisco & San Mateo County real estate markets.